Office of Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer+ Student Engagement

Office of Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer+ Student Engagement

Strives to provide an affirming and Welcoming Space for all LGBTQ+ Identifying Students. Providing resources to enhance and promote intellectual and personal growth of students to explore and define their complex cultural and intersectional identities.


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Lavender Graduation
A group of students stand together in front of Springs Residential Complex for the Lavender LLC Ribbon Cutting ceremony.

Live in an Inclusive Community

The Lavender Living Learning Community is a gender inclusive housing option for LGBTQ+ students and is a welcoming environment to explore the intersectionalities, complexities, and the history of the LGBTQ+ community. Students in this community have the opportunity to take a corresponding course that further enriches the student experience. Students will build connections, increase their resilience, and be equipped with the tools to better navigate their communities.

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University of Florida faculty, students, and staff who identified themselves as being lesbian and gay were somewhat inconspicuous and silent until the early 1980’s. This invisibility no doubt was due partly to the homophobic attitudes and bias that existed in the general society as well as on the University campus. Another important factor appears to be the legacy of the infamous Johns Committee, a Florida state senate committee that spent time between 1957 and the early 1960’s at the University of Florida attempting to identify persons who were thought to be homosexuals. Homosexual behavior was illegal, and Committee members also believed that such persons were reprehensible and should not be part of the University of Florida.

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Two student pose together holding large gold scissors for the lavender LLC ribbon cutting.
A group of students standing in a line on a platform for the Lavendar Graduation.
group facilitators discuss LGBTQ+ topics impacting the community.