The wing of an airplane surrounded by blue skies as it flies over earth.



The Asian Pacific Islander Desi Student Engagement Alternative Immersion Trip is a 3-day educational trip over UF spring break to learn and understand the vibrant history of Asian and Asian Americans in America. The immersion trip provides an opportunity for participants to immerse themselves in the Asian American community, specifically the Vietnamese, Japanese, and Filipino communities, in New Orleans, LA; which allows them to reflect on the influences of culture and experiences between the racial communities and the grassroots and community organizing within the various racial and underserved communities there. This transformational experience is open to all Gators!

“Before for this trip, I was entirely unaware of the Vietnamese community and the Filipino history in New Orleans. I was both awed by my newfound knowledge of Asian presences in the U.S. and frustrated for not having known about them before. I felt shame as an Asian American for not knowing my own history, and aggravated with the public education system for failing to share it with me.” Vanessa (Participant Spring 2020)

Check back soon for more information about upcoming Alternative Breaks.